- Jason Wolfe and Stuart Russell. "Bounded Intention Planning." In Proc. IJCAI, 2011. [pdf] [bibtex]
- Jason Wolfe, Bhaskara Marthi, and Stuart Russell. "Hierarchical Planning for Mobile Manipulation." AAAI 2010 Workshop on Bridging the Gap Between Task and Motion Planning.
- Jason Wolfe, Bhaskara Marthi, and Stuart Russell. "Hierarchical Planning for Mobile Manipulation." ICAPS 2010 Workshop on Combining Task and Motion Planning.
- Jason Wolfe, Bhaskara Marthi, and Stuart Russell. "Combined Task and Motion Planning for Mobile Manipulation." In Proc. ICAPS, 2010. [pdf] [tech report pdf] [website] [bibtex]
- Bhaskara Marthi, Stuart Russell, and Jason Wolfe. "Angelic Hierarchical Planning: Optimal and Online Algorithms." In Proc. ICAPS, 2008. [pdf] [tech report pdf (revised)] [slides pdf] [bibtex]
- Jason Wolfe, Aria Haghighi, and Dan Klein. "Fully Distributed EM for Very Large Datasets." In Proc. ICML, 2008. [pdf] [slides pdf] [bibtex]
- Bhaskara Marthi, Stuart Russell, and Jason Wolfe. "Hierarchical Lookahead Agents: A Preliminary Report." NIPS Workshop on Hierarchical Organization of Behavior, 2007. [slides ppt]
- Jason Wolfe, Aria Haghighi, and Dan Klein. "Fully Distributed EM for Very Large Datasets." NIPS Workshop on Efficient Machine Learning, 2007. [slides pdf]
- Jason Wolfe and Stuart Russell. "Exploiting Belief State Structure in Graph Search." In Proc. ICAPS Workshop on Planning in Games, 2007. [pdf] [slides pdf] [bibtex]
- Bhaskara Marthi, Stuart Russell, and Jason Wolfe. "Angelic Semantics for High-Level Actions." In Proc. ICAPS, 2007. [tech report pdf] [pdf] [bibtex]
- Stuart Russell and Jason Wolfe. "Efficient Belief-State AND-OR Search, with Application to Kriegspiel." In Proc. IJCAI, 2005. [pdf] [bibtex]
- Gavin E. Crooks, Jason Wolfe, and Steven E. Brenner. "Measurements of Protein Sequence-Structure Correlations." Proteins, 57(4):804-810, Jun 2004. [pdf] [bibtex]