Instructions for setting up the code 1. Download the file code.tar.gz 2. gunzip and untar the file. This will create a directory tree containing the code, whose root directory is called code/ 3. Start up Lisp 4. Change to the code root directory 5. Type '(load "angelic.lisp")' 6. Type '(make-all)'. This has been tested to compile and load the code without warnings or errors on Allegro Lisp and SBCL, and should work, possibly with minor modifications, on any Ansi Common Lisp. 7. Type '(load "lookahead/test-lookahead")'. This should run without warnings or errors in under a minute. 8. Next, to see what the planner is actually doing, switch to the test-lookahead package. Type '(setf *debug-level* 2) and'(hierarchical-forward-search q2). This will make the planner print a trace as it goes. 9. Type '(load "lookahead/exps/submission")'. This will run the scripts used to produce the results in the paper. Warning: this will probably take days to run. You might want to go into the file and comment out some of the experiments, or change the *num-trials* parameter. How the files are set up Our algorithms are in lookahead/. The lookahead/ directory contains representation-independent algorithms, and lookahead/prop contains code related to logical representations and NCSTRIPS. The warehouse world definition, hierarchies and HLA descriptions can be found in envs/blocks. General tips - You can type (help SYMBOL-NAME) to get help on most operations, types, and packages. E.g., try (help hierarchical-forward-search)