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Strongly Connected Components in (mostly?) idiomatic Clojure

A friend asked how to find strongly connected components in a graph in idiomatic Clojure. This is what I came up with:

(defn edge-list [g] 
  (mapcat (fn [[k v]] (map (partial vector k) v)) g)) 
(defn reverse-graph [g] 
  (reduce (fn [rev [from to]] (assoc rev to (cons from (get rev to)))) 
	  {} (edge-list g))) 
(import '(java.util HashSet))
(defn reduce-dfs-postorder-graph 
  ([g f init-val root] 
     (reduce-dfs-postorder-graph g f init-val root (HashSet.)))
  ([g f init-val root #^java.util.HashSet visited]
     (.add visited root)
     (f root (reduce (fn [val node] 
		       (if (.contains visited node) 
			 (reduce-dfs-postorder-graph g f val node visited))) 
		     init-val (get g root)))))
(defn kosaraju [g]
  (loop [reversed (reverse-graph g), 
	 s (reduce-dfs-postorder-graph g cons nil (ffirst g)), 
	 ccs nil, 
	 used #{}]
    (cond (empty? s)                 
	  (contains? used (first s)) 
            (recur reversed (rest s) ccs used)
            (let [cc (reduce-dfs-postorder-graph 
		      #(if (contains? used %1) %2 (cons %1 %2)) 
		      (first s))]
	       (apply dissoc reversed cc) 
	       (rest s) 
	       (cons cc ccs) 
	       (clojure.set/union used cc))))))
user> (kosaraju {:a '(:b :c) :b '(:c) :c '(:a :d) :d '(:e) :e '()})
((:e) (:d :c :b :a))

The only non-idiomatic part might be the use of a mutable HashMap in the reduce-dfs function. I used it because it makes the code clearer and faster than with immutable clojure maps; moreover, the mutability is safe since it’s all hidden within the execution of the function. But, I’m not sure if more seasoned users would share my aesthetic here.

Published in Clojure


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